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Waves of California


Zen Ocean Waves - California's Rugged Coast- Deep Relaxation and Meditation from Mango Lotus on Vimeo.

Waves of California's Rugged Coast DVD
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Waves of California’s Rugged Coast  captures the tremendous power and raw beauty of the Pacific ocean waves breaking spectacularly against rocks, cliffs and beaches throughout Northern California. Enjoy the majestic splendor of endless waves breaking throughout one of the most stunningly beautiful coastlines in the world, including Monterey, Carmel and California’s big wave break Mavericks in Half Moon Bay.

The sheer splendor of this vast continent’s edge meeting the relentless force of the wild Pacific ocean has captivated artists, travelers and soul seekers for centuries. Simply put, there is something infinitely relaxing and therapeutic about watching storm waves crash endlessly against a rocky coast. Like water sculpture in motion, Waves of California’s Rugged Coast is both mesmerizing and healing- - aquatic water therapy. Perhaps it is because we come from the sea, perhaps because our blood is the same salinity as seawater, or perhaps it’s the presence of healing negative ions near the seashore, but undeniably there is an instant calming connection when watching the ocean’s intense power unleashed against the edge of the continent.
There have been a number of scientific and medical studies on the way ocean therapy affects the brain and its neural pathways and senses. There is strong evidence that watching and listening to ocean waves can be therapeutic for people with sleep disorders, hypertension, physical and mental stress. Waves of California’s Rugged Coast utilizes the immense power of the ocean as a source of natural restorative power, and offers a balanced alternative to medical and pharmacological methods of relaxation and healing.

Relaxing and meditative, Waves of California’s Rugged Coast reveals the sheer unbridled fury of wild storm surf unleashed, nature at her most dramatic and harmonic. Shot in high definition, wide screen over a period of 2 years, on locations across the back trails and coastal cliffs of California’s coast during high wave season.

Waves of California’s Rugged Coast
features a NATURAL SOUNDS ONLY soundtrack. Special attention was given to capturing the sound of the ocean’s waves, using professional stereo patterned mics and wind dampening equipment. In the post production suite, custom digital equalizer filters were employed to enhance and digital mixing to painstakingly reproduce the ocean’s sound as close as possible. Natural sound is often overlooked, and yet it is such a major part of the calming effect of the DVD. Waves of California’s Rugged Coast allows you to turn the picture off and still relax to the endless sound of tranquil rolling ocean surf. We believe all this extra effort will make an enormous difference in your ocean viewing and listening experience.

Waves of California’s Rugged Coast
also includes a MUSIC SOUNDTRACK on channel 2- simply press the audio button on your DVD to access the alternative track.
Waves of California’s Rugged Coast
PLAYS AND LOOPS AUTOMATICALLY. Just load it up in the DVD player and sit back and relax.

Waves of California’s Rugged Coast features:

  • 1 hour of majestic waves crashing against California's rugged coast
  • Automatic play- just load and enjoy
  • Automatic looping function
  • Ambient music track mixed with nature sounds (Press the audio button on DVD remote)
  • Waves Sounds ONLY track
  • Shot in high definition wide screen

As storm waves crashing against cliffs and rocks along one of the most magnificent coasts in the world, enjoy the splendor and rejuvenation of nature’s most majestic display of water, energy and grandeur in Waves of California’s Rugged Coast.
Music by Zenpurity.

Waves of California's Rugged Coast DVD
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