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Zen Garden Tranquil Waters


Zen Garden - Tranquil Waters

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Water is a highly revered feature in many Zen Gardens, the focal point and the beginning and end of a Zen Garden journey. Imagine pure water… serenely flowing over rocks and into pristine pools, creating infinite variations of calm and tranquility. Zen Garden - Tranquil Waters, captures the serene landscapes of water found throughout Zen Gardens and is the newest DVD by Zenchantment. A late afternoon stream meanders peacefully. A drop of water creates an endless ripple across a stone water basin (tsukubai). A gentle stream of water pours endlessly into granite rock pools. Golden watery reflections shimmer tranquily in the late afternoon sun.

All life comes from water. Water flows within us and around us. Water cleanses, purifies, rejuvenates. Just to gaze at running water, or the scenic stillness of a watery landscape washes away all the distractions of the world, and is refreshing and restoring. The water basin, often found at the entrance of a Zen Garden, symbolizes a ritual cleansing of oneself. As your mind slowly empties of all unnecessary thoughts, envision yourself fluid, changing yet still, like the infinite water landscapes unfolding before you. Rejuvenating and purifying, Zen Garden - Tranquil Waters offers the universal spiritual healing of a Zen Garden water landscape journey.

Shot and edited in high definition wide screen, Zen Garden - Tranquil Waters artfully captures the blissful harmony of some of the country's oldest landscaped Zen gardens...view by breathtaking view. Zen Garden - Tranquil Waters DVD is authored to loop automatically, endlessly. Just load up and sit back. An ambient soundscape featuring only nature sounds sets the relaxing mood. Or if you prefer- track 1 features traditional Japanese instrumentation (including koto) and adds a sublime layer to the meditative experience. Exhale slowly, and let the tranquil water sounds and images of this calming Zen Garden gently wash over you, float downstream to a tranquil meditative world. Zen Garden - Tranquil Waters transforms any personal environment into your private Zen sanctuary.

Enter into a fluid world of inner calm, tranquility and peacefulness with the newly released Zen Garden - Tranquil Waters DVD.

Zen Garden - Tranquil Waters DVD

  • 1 hour of tranquil Zen Garden flowing waters and gentle streams
  • Automatic play- just load and enjoy
  • Authored looping function
  • Ambient music track mixed with nature sounds
  • Separate Nature sounds ONLY audio track (Just press the audio button on your DVD remote.)
  • Shot in high definition
  • Wide Screen format
  • Plays on any DVD player or Computer with DVD capability

Exhale slowly, and let the relaxing water sounds and images of this calming Zen Garden gently wash over you, float downstream to a tranquil meditative world.Zen Garden - Tranquil Waters transforms any personal environment into your private Zen sanctuary. Enter into a world of inner calm, tranquility and contemplation with the ultimate relaxation video- Zen Garden - Tranquil Waters.

Produced by Zenchantment.
Directed by Milos Kuhlman.
Music by Zenpurity.

Zen Garden - Tranquil Waters

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