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Zen Ocean of Bliss


Zen Ocean of Bliss

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Zenchantment presents Zen Ocean of Bliss. Sit back and enjoy the blissful ocean of a golden California coast- a sea of infinite horizons and endless tranquil motion. Amber hued beaches and gentle waves churn and wash the peaceful coast line under crystalline watery horizons. Zen Ocean of Bliss. Ultimate peace and tranquility.
Perfect oceanscape scenery for relaxation, sleep, meditation, study, spa and just pure enjoyment.

Recent British studies have confirmed that views of the ocean and other slow moving expanses with horizon lines make us happier than other landscapes. Perhaps it's the feelings of awe and wonder when we look out upon oceans and endless water vistas. Gazing at the ocean is theorized to release a mix of dopamine, oxytocin, and endorphins.  
Over one hour of majestic ocean vistas and blissful expanses of beautiful, mesmerizing coastal scenery.

Directed by Milos Kuhlman, and captured in high definition wide screen, Zen Ocean of Bliss is authored to loop automatically, endlessly.
Simply load the DVD and enjoy. An ambient music soundscape, by Zenpurity, quietly enhances the wistful, quiet moods of the ocean.
Or if you prefer- track 2 features natural sounds only (just press the audio button on your remote control.)

Zen Ocean of Bliss Features:


  • 1 hour of tranquil Zen ocean scenery
  • Automatic play- just load and enjoy 
Automatic looping function
  • Ambient music track mixed with ocean sounds (Press audio button on DVD remote)
  • Ocean sounds ONLY track 
Shot in high definition wide screen 
Directed by Milos Kuhlman. 
Produced by Zenchantment. 
Music by Zenpurity.
Caution: May cause drowsiness or deep relaxation. Not to be watched while operating dangerous machinery. For use without a prescription. 
May be combined with other medications or alcohol. 
Side effects may include peacefulness, tranquility and feelings of bliss leading to introspection, meditation and/or ultimately deep sleep or serenity. Could become addictive. Use with care. Or without.

Beautiful ocean seascape, the splendor of California's gold coast, infinitely tranquil and meditative- Zen Ocean of Bliss.

Zen Ocean of Bliss

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