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Lighthouses DVD


Lighthouses of California trailer


 Lighthouses of California

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"I play my Lighthouses DVD every day. There's nothing more calming than the watching the ocean, and hearing the sounds
of waves crashing."

Lars Anderson, Gothenburg, Sweden.

Wild ocean waves dash relentlessly against the cliffs, as a singular beacon of light blazes from a century old tower- a seascape of natural serenity that is at once timeless and mesmerizing. Storm clouds gather, and a golden hued sunset fades to night behind a lone lighthouse perched majestically on the edge of the vast Pacific.
Watch a tranquil oceanscape beckon at dusk, framed by the edge of a continent and a historical lighthouse. The tower stands guard, symbolic in its stark beauty, a glowing sentry immersed in infinite variations of clouds, light, and water.The spectacular scenery of some of the most beautiful lighthouses along Northern California‘s coast, shot in widescreen high definition is now available on DVD.

Lighthouses of California DVD features:
  • 1 hour of spectacular Lighthouses scenery
  • Automatic play- just load and enjoy
  • Automatic looping function
  • Ambient music track mixed with ocean sounds
  • Separate ocean sounds ONLY audio track
  • Shot in high definition
  • Wide Screen format
  • Plays on any DVD player or any computer with DVD capability
Lighthouses of California DVD is authored to loop automatically. Just load it up and sit back and enjoy. Choose between the relaxing music, or just the soothing sounds of waves. For sheer scenic poetry...for a tranquil end to a stressful day...for the perfect romantic ambience, Lighthouses of California DVD is the ultimate scenic passport to deep chill relaxation.
Music by Zenpurity.

(Caution: driving or operating dangerous equipment after repeated viewing is not advised.)

  Lighthouses of California

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